Ownership API for Wealth

Ownership data consists of equity holdings worth $50 trillion identified from 70 countries, global history from 1997 (US 13F history from 1978 and US Insider history from 1986) and intelligence on 26,000+ institutional investors, over 60,000 listed stocks, 70,000+ mutual and hedge funds and detailed information on more than 200,000 buy- and sell-side contacts. Ownership data sources include extensive and timely coverage of declarable stakes, mutual funds, hedge funds, insiders and institutional profiles encompassing over 70 countries worldwide, as well as unrivalled coverage of UK share register content. Data is sourced from institutional investors, investment managers, stock exchanges, regulatory authorities and regional specific sources such as UK Registrars and Japanese Detailed Shareholders reports. Ownership data sources include extensive and timely coverage of declarable stakes, mutual funds, hedge funds, insiders and institutional profiles encompassing over 70 countries worldwide, as well as unrivalled coverage of UK share register content. Data is sourced from institutional investors, investment managers, stock exchanges, regulatory authorities and regional specific sources such as UK Registrars and Japanese Detailed Shareholders reports. 

The Ownership API is a service providing detailed information on a company's shareholders and holdings of investors/funds. This includes insider and stakeholder investors, with capitalization summaries, a list of all insider and stakeholder stock owners, recent buy and sell activities, Top Concentrations on the stock.

Key Points about the Ownership API

  • Most complete Global Share Ownership & Profiles data in the industry, including inactive and delisted stocks.
  • Insight into ‘who owns what’ for public equities and intelligence on investment managers, securities firms and their key decision makers.
  • Includes Lipper’s mutual fund holdings data for equities - a crucial ingredient to identify ‘below threshold’ holdings, especially in Asia and EMEA.
  • Highest quality standards for data with 30 years collection experience.
  • Deep Historical data to enable understanding of Ownership trends.
  • Strong regional and local content, such as UK Share Registers and Japanese Detailed Shareholdings to fine tune investment strategies for local markets.
  • Insider stock transactions and holdings from key global market regions provides trends and signals for portfolio build.
  • Service using strategic Refinitiv Ownership database.
  • Open Industry standard API services with JSON.
  • Delisted and inactive companies included for historical trend.
  • Intraday updates for most timely data.
  • Historical Shareholder data available.
  • Search on up to 100 securities in the API request at once.

“ To get started, visit the Refinitiv Data Platform APIs for instructions on how to access the platform services”. In addition, the “Documentation” tab on this page includes a guide that provides details on the News API working environment and supporting resources. It is intended for software engineers and users of RDP who are familiar with the general principles of APIs.