
Intelligent Tagging - RESTful API

    OWL Schema

    An ontology which describes the data structure of the Intelligent Tagging output. The OWL describes the metadata types that can be output by Intelligent Tagging, their possible attributes and the relevant constraints. The OWL also describes relations such as inheritance and directional referencing between metadata elements. Note: It is important to note that most attributes are optional; a tag can be extracted with some but not all of its attributes.

    CalaisModel Abstraction Layer (AL)- Relevant to all packages and versions of Intelligent Tagging. Find the AL Developer Guide on the Documentation tab.

    CalaisModel Abstraction Layer Library - .NET Edition
    Provides a client API that maps RDF/XML entities to Java objects. Use the AL to access the RDF data without writing any logic to process XML elements, and without any specific knowledge of the underlying data structure.

    CalaisModel Abstraction Layer Library - Java Edition
    Provides a client API that maps RDF/XML entities to Java objects. Use the AL to access the RDF data without writing any logic to process XML elements, and without any specific knowledge of the underlying data structure.

    CalaisModel Abstraction Layer Library - Python Edition
    Provides a client API that maps RDF/XML entities to Java objects. Use the AL to access the RDF data without writing any logic to process XML elements, and without any specific knowledge of the underlying data structure.

    Also see "Code Examples/Jupyter Notebook" on the Quick Start page.

    Intelligent Tagging Tutorial

    Intelligent Tagging - Tutorial