RDF Response - A Sample RDF Output File with Explanation

Here, we provide an RDF output sample with explanation as a general guideline to parsing and interpreting the Intelligent Tagging response. The Intelligent Tagging response is based on an OWL schema. You can download the current OWL schema from the Downloads Tab.

 Since the Intelligent Tagging output does not group metadata types, we highly recommend using the CalaisModel Abstraction Layer to simplify parsing the Intelligent Tagging output. The Abstraction Layer is relevant to the RDF/XML output format. See the Abstraction Layer Developer Guide.

See the API User Guide for a JSON output sample with explanation.

Additional resource: API User Guide.

The output file contains the following main sections:



  • Most attributes are optional; a tag can be extracted with some but not all of its attributes.
  • We highly recommend using the CalaisModel Abstraction Layer (relevant to the RDF/XML output format only) to simplify parsing the Intelligent Tagging output. See the Abstraction Layer Developer Guide.
  • The forenduserdisplay attribute value,  exposed by many of the metadata tag types, is our recommendation of whether the tag is suitable as a search item for a specific document (true) or whether the metadata is primarily of use for aggregation and analytics on large quantities of documents (false).  Read about the ForEndUserDisplay Attribute in Intelligent Tagging Semantic Metadata Tags.



Summary of Extracted Relations and Entities

The output includes a partial summary of relations and entities extracted from the text. Extracted entities are displayed alphabetically and grouped by type.

Please note that the summary does not include all the metadata types extracted by Intelligent Tagging. For example, DocCat (topic) tags are not included in the summary, nor are all entity types, for example, currency pair, and deals.


Take a look at the output example, below, and note the following:

  • The extracted relations are CompanyExpansion, CompanyLocation, CompanyTechnology, PersonLocation, Quotation.
  • The extracted entity types are City, Company, Country, Editor, Facility, IndustryTerm, Journalist, Position, Product, ProvinceOrState, PublishedMedium, Technology.
  • The extracted City entities are Cupertino and London; the extracted Company entities are Apple, Audi, BMW, Daimler, etc.; the extracted Country entity is Austria; etc.

<!--Relations: CompanyExpansion, CompanyLocation, CompanyTechnology, PersonLocation, Quotation,


City: Cupertino, London


Company: Apple, Audi, BMW, Daimler, Google Inc, Magna International, Reuters, Tesla Motors Inc, Volkswagen, Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times


Country: Austria


Editor: Hugh Lawson, Noah Barkin


Facility: Apple's headquarters


IndustryTerm: Car technology, actual car, automated driving technology, automotive software, automotive technology, car, car recharging services, carmakers and automotive suppliers, driver assistance systems, electric and connected-car technologies, electric car, mobile and electronic devices, prototype self-driving car, self-driving electric car, software game, studies self-driving car


Journalist: Eric Auchard, Hugh Lawson


Position: driver, spokesman, spokeswoman


Product: iPad, iPhone


ProvinceOrState: California


PublishedMedium: The Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times


Technology: Car technology, automated driving technology, electric and connected-car technologies, mobile devices




Aboutness Tags

Aboutness tags describe the piece of content as a whole.

The Intelligent Tagging response may include any of the following metadata tags:


DocCat (Topic tag)





Social tags attempt to classify the document as a whole, based on Wikipedia folksonomy.

Examples of social tags, extracted by Intelligent Tagging from the article about Apple developing a self-driving car:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/SocialTag/1">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/SocialTag"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:socialtag rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/1205cb52-d703-34d2-83b2-a09d4d47575c"/>




<c:name>Apple Inc.</c:name>




<c:originalValue>Apple Inc.</c:originalValue>



Note the importance attribute, which indicates how centric the topic named by the social tag is to the document as a whole. The importance attribute value can be 1 (very centric), 2 (somewhat centric), or 3 (less centric).

The docID (dochash) is the unique ID of the containing document.

The rdf:Description is the tag’s unique ID within the containing document. The dochash component of the rdf:Description is what associates this tag with this document.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/SocialTag/2">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/SocialTag"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:socialtag rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/ccc60460-211d-3b02-b13e-11fba4449fbd"/>




<c:name>Autonomous car</c:name>




<c:originalValue>Autonomous car</c:originalValue>




<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/SocialTag/4">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/SocialTag"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:socialtag rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/083d56d1-2fed-3063-b59a-963d4fdaee36"/>




<c:name>Electric car</c:name>




<c:originalValue>Electric car</c:originalValue>



SocialTag Attributes


DocCat (Topic Tags)

Topic tagging identifies the topic or topics that are discussed in the document. The reference list of topics is drawn from the RCS (Refinitiv Classification Services) taxonomy and the IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) news taxonomy.

Note that access to RCS is available upon subscription to one of the premium Intelligent Tagging deployment options. For more information please contact us.

Note to Internal Intelligent Tagging users: Internal Intelligent Tagging output exposes different attributes for the DocCat (topic) tag. For details, see the Supplementary Guide for Internal Intelligent Tagging (for internal customers who do not connect through API Gateway).



Examples of topic tags extracted by Intelligent Tagging from the article about Apple developing a self-driving car.

 An IPTC taxonomy topic: 


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/cat/1">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/cat/DocCat"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>









Note the score attribute, which indicates the probability, on a scale of 0 to 1 that the topic is indeed discussed in the text, and also how centric the topic is to the text; the higher the value, the higher the probability.


An RCS taxonomy topic:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/3c07707e-c5b7-367d-8cb6-48b06b1adcae/cat/4">

<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/cat/DocCat"/>

<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/3c07707e-c5b7-367d-8cb6-48b06b1adcae"/>\



<c:name>Industry Risk</c:name>

<c:shortName>Industry Risk</c:shortName>




Topic Tag (DocCat tag) attributes



Industry Tags

Industry tags indicate the industries that are related to the companies mentioned in the input text. The reference list of industries is defined by the Refinitiv Business Classification (TRBC) taxonomy. The Industry tag is a premium metadata type.

The following Industry tags were extracted by Intelligent Tagging from the story about Apple developing a self-driving car.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Industry/5">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/Industry"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>




<c:name>Automobiles &amp; Multi Utility Vehicles</c:name>











Industry tags include a unique Refinitiv ID (the permid attribute value). The ID can be used to extract information about the industry from the Refinitiv dataset. The ID also supports linkage across documents processed by Intelligent Tagging.

Note the relevance attribute, which indicates how relevant the industry is to the story. Values range from 0 to 1; the higher the score, the higher the relevance.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Industry/7">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/Industry"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>




<c:name>Electrical (Alternative) Vehicles</c:name>












Industry Tag attributes



Named Entity and Relationship Recognition

Intelligent Tagging scans and analyzes the input text, searching for mentions of things like companies, people, deals, and geographical locations, based on the list of metadata types specified by the x-calais-selectiveTags request header.

The resulting tags form the major part of the output response:

Instance tags

Entity Markup tags

Confidence tags

Relevance tags

Resolution (Disambiguation) tags

Here we’ll highlight some of the metadata tags extracted by Intelligent Tagging from the article about Apple developing a self-driving car.



Instance Tags

One of the Intelligent Tagging predefined metadata types is Company. The article mentions several companies. Let’s take a look at the InstanceInfo tags generated by Intelligent Tagging for a few of the found mentions of the company, Apple:

“Apple studies self-driving car, auto industry source says”


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/59">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<!--Company: Apple; -->


<c:detection>[&lt;Document&gt; &lt;Title&gt;]Apple[ studies self-driving car, auto industry source]</c:detection>


<c:prefix>&lt;Document&gt; &lt;Title&gt;</c:prefix>




<c:suffix> studies self-driving car, auto industry source</c:suffix>







“Technology giant Apple (APPL.O) is looking beyond mobile devices to learn how to make a self-driving electric car, and is…”


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/60">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<!--Company: Apple; -->


<c:detection>[&lt;Body&gt; (Reuters) - Technology giant ]Apple (AAPL.O)[ is looking beyond mobile devices to learn how to]</c:detection>


<c:prefix> &lt;Body&gt; (Reuters) - Technology giant </c:prefix>


<c:exact>Apple (AAPL.O)</c:exact>


<c:suffix> is looking beyond mobile devices to learn how to</c:suffix>







“An Apple spokesman in London on Saturday declined to comment on ‘rumors or speculation.’ ”


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/63">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<!--Company: Apple; -->


<c:detection>[car-maker Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA.O). An ]Apple[ spokesman in London on Saturday declined to]</c:detection>


<c:prefix>car-maker Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA.O). An </c:prefix>




<c:suffix> spokesman in London on Saturday declined to</c:suffix>







“The Journal said that the project, code-named ‘Titan,’ employed several hundred people working a few miles from Apple’s headquarters in Cupertino.”


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/68">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<!--Company: Apple; -->


<c:detection>[several hundred people working a few miles from ]Apple['s headquarters in Cupertino. Apple executives]</c:detection>


<c:prefix>several hundred people working a few miles from </c:prefix>




<c:suffix>'s headquarters in Cupertino. Apple executives</c:suffix>







InstanceInfo Tag Attributes



Entity Markup Tag (Company)

Each group of one or more instances deemed to refer to a unique thing is expressed as an Entity Markup tag. The following example is the Entity Markup (em/e/company) tag for the company entity, Apple.

The hash tag (comphash) is the unique ID assigned by Intelligent Tagging to this extracted entity. This hash tag also appears as the "subject" attribute of the associated instance tags. Likewise, the "subject" attribute of all related tags (for example, Confidence, Relevance, and Resolution tags) also display the same hash tag.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/e/Company"/>













The high confidencelevel value indicates confidence that the extracted company, Apple, is indeed a company.

em/e/Company Tag Attributes



Confidence Tag

Some tag types that include the confidencelevel attribute also have an associated Confidence tag.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/conf/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/tag/Confidence"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>




<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>











The aggregate attribute value is the confidence score.

Note the comphash assigned to the entity markup tag (comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4). This is the unique ID that links the entity to all of its associated tags. The "subject" attribute value of each related tag (for example, the related confidence, relevance, and resolution tag), is the comphash.

Confidence Tag Attributes

Note: The Confidence tag’s aggregate attribute is the same as the related entity markup tag’s confidencelevel attribute. So you can retrieve the confidence score from either tag.


Relevance Tag

The RelevanceInfo tag associated with the company entity, Apple, indicates that Apple is highly relevant to the story:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Relevance/47">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/RelevanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>







Compare the RelevanceInfo tag for the extracted company, Apple, with the Relevance tag associated with the extracted company, Daimler, which was mentioned in the document, along with several other companies, as having “…revealed cars that can travel long distances without human intervention…:”


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Relevance/36">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/RelevanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/ebd24b16-1574-33c0-9b69-30c054337d44"/>







Note that the comphash assigned to Daimler is different from the comphash assigned to Apple.

RelevanceInfo Tag Attributes



Resolution (Disambiguation) Tag

Intelligent Tagging succeeded in mapping the extracted company entity, Apple, to the corresponding company and unique ID in the Refinitiv dataset, resulting in the following Disambiguation (er/company) tag.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/er/company/ralg-oa/4295905573">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/er/Company"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>








<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<c:legacyid rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/er/company/ralg-tr1r/23d07771-c50b-315b-8050-3cdaf47ac0d0"/>


<c:name>Apple Inc</c:name>










<c:openpermid rdf:resource="https://permid.org/1-4295905573"/>



The comphash assigned by Intelligent Tagging identifies and links all the associated tags within the output document (local disambiguation).

The successful mapping to the corresponding Refinitiv entity and permid enables the Intelligent Tagging entity, in this case the company, Apple, Inc., to be unambiguously identified (and thus linked) across all documents processed by Intelligent Tagging.

er/company Tag Attributes


Note: The openpermid attribute (not output by internal Intelligent Tagging) gives you direct access to high quality, curated Refinitiv company data. The attribute value is a direct link to the relevant company page on the Open PermID website (https://permid.org).

Note to Internal Intelligent Tagging users: The internal Intelligent Tagging output exposes different attributes for the er/Company (company disambiguation) tag. For details, see the Supplementary Guide for Internal Intelligent Tagging (for internal customers who do not connect through API Gateway).



Additional Examples of Relationship and Entity Recognition

The following instance tag was generated when Intelligent Tagging found a mention of a company expansion:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/19">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/4c3556cd-1c91-363f-b4b2-a9d1b372aa85"/>


<!--CompanyExpansion: company: Apple; expansiontype: New Unit; status: known; -->


<c:detection>[ The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that ]Apple had set up a secret lab[ working on the creation of an Apple-branded]</c:detection>


<c:prefix> The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that </c:prefix>


<c:exact>Apple had set up a secret lab</c:exact>


<c:suffix> working on the creation of an Apple-branded</c:suffix>







InstanceInfo Tag Attributes



The resulting Entity Markup (em/r/CompanyExpansion) tag (the extracted relation):


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/4c3556cd-1c91-363f-b4b2-a9d1b372aa85">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/r/CompanyExpansion"/>






<c:company rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<c:expansiontype>New Unit</c:expansiontype>





Note that the genericHasher in the rdf:Description links this Entity Markup tag to the associated InstanceInfo tag.

Also note that the company attribute value is a reference to the extracted company entity, Apple.

em/r/CompanyExpansion Tag Attributes



The following instance tag was generated when Intelligent Tagging found a text string that it identified as an indication of a relationship between a company and a technology (i.e. a mention of the type CompanyTechnology):


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/27">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/55d6ef1d-6140-3150-930c-0d5c2fbd0107"/>


<!--CompanyTechnology: company: Apple; technology: mobile devices; -->


<c:detection>[&lt;Date&gt;2015-02-14&lt;/Date&gt; &lt;Body&gt; (Reuters) - ]Technology giant Apple (AAPL.O) is looking beyond mobile devices[ to learn how to make a self-driving electric]</c:detection>


<c:prefix> &lt;Date&gt;2015-02-14&lt;/Date&gt; &lt;Body&gt; (Reuters) - </c:prefix>


<c:exact>Technology giant Apple (AAPL.O) is looking beyond mobile devices</c:exact>


<c:suffix> to learn how to make a self-driving electric</c:suffix>







InstanceInfo Tag Attributes


The resulting Entity Markup (em/r/CompanyTechnology) tag:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/55d6ef1d-6140-3150-930c-0d5c2fbd0107">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/r/CompanyTechnology"/>






<c:company rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>


<!--mobile devices-->


<c:technology rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/38c58bd0-2536-3f03-bfa0-be1867f6fce8"/>



Again, note the genericHasher in the rdf:Description that links this Entity Markup tag to the associated InstanceInfo tag, and the company attribute value, the comphash which identifies the company, Apple Inc. The technology attribute value references the relevant em/e/technology entity, not illustrated here.

em/r/CompanyTechnology Tag Attributes

The following instance tag was generated when Intelligent Tagging found a text string that it identified as a reference to a City:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/36">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/752be8ce-c588-3bbe-8526-af3b60708561"/>


<!--City: Cupertino; -->


<c:detection>[with the discussions said on Saturday. The ]Cupertino[, California-based maker of phones, computers]</c:detection>


<c:prefix>with the discussions said on Saturday. The </c:prefix>




<c:suffix>, California-based maker of phones, computers</c:suffix>







InstanceInfo Tag Attributes


The resulting Entity Markup (em/e/city) tag:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/752be8ce-c588-3bbe-8526-af3b60708561">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/e/City"/>







em/e/City Tag Attributes


The associated Disambiguation (er/Geo/City) tag was generated when Intelligent Tagging succeeded in mapping the extracted city entity, Cupertino, to the corresponding city in the Refinitiv dataset:


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/er/geo/city/ralg-geo1/4edd5509-ee4d-deba-738c-fc3900017f64">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/er/Geo/City"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:name>Cupertino,California,United States</c:name>










<c:containedbycountry>United States</c:containedbycountry>




<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/752be8ce-c588-3bbe-8526-af3b60708561"/>



er/Geo/City Tag Attributes


The following InstanceInfo tag was generated when Intelligent Tagging found a text string that it identified as an indication of a relationship between a company and a location (i.e. a mention, of the type CompanyLocation):


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/Instance/33">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/InstanceInfo"/>


<c:docId rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6"/>


<c:subject rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/f64cef62-b4a7-39f1-b92a-ef8834053ff1"/>


<!--CompanyLocation: company: Apple; companylocationtype: N/A; city: Cupertino; provinceorstate: California; -->


<c:detection>[with the discussions said on Saturday. ]The Cupertino, California-based maker[ of phones, computers and, soon, watches is]</c:detection>


<c:prefix>with the discussions said on Saturday. </c:prefix>


<c:exact>The Cupertino, California-based maker</c:exact>


<c:suffix> of phones, computers and, soon, watches is</c:suffix>







InstanceInfo Tag Attributes


The resulting Entity Markup (em/r/CompanyLocation) tag: 


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/f64cef62-b4a7-39f1-b92a-ef8834053ff1">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/em/r/CompanyLocation"/>






<c:company rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/comphash-1/705cd5cf-93e1-323c-8d4e-1ea3200d37e4"/>








<c:city rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/752be8ce-c588-3bbe-8526-af3b60708561"/>




<c:provinceorstate rdf:resource="http://d.opencalais.com/genericHasher-1/9679b237-33e8-3478-ba13-d9af3c4b943e"/>



The genericHasher in the rdf:Description links this tag to the related InstanceInfo tag; the company attribute value is the comphash that identifies Apple, Inc.; the city attribute value is the genericHasher that identifies the city, Cupertino.

em/r/CompanyLocation Tag Attributes


Miscellaneous - General Document Information

The tagging response also contains tags which describe the document that was tagged, and how and when the document was tagged.







The DocInfo node presents the original input text (inside the body tag).

Note the dochash, which appears in many of the tags in the output RDF; it is the unique ID of the containing document.


<rdf:Description c:calaisRequestID="b93c8375-d19d-d574-14bf-8f4b13366849" c:id="http://id.opencalais.com/qXNdmiJnB1x3doCaXtkMKA" c:ontology="http://och1-lb/owlschema/8.2/onecalais.owl.allmetadata.xml" rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/DocInfo"/>






<Title>Apple studies self-driving car, auto industry source says</Title>






(Reuters) - Technology giant Apple (AAPL.O) is looking beyond mobile devices to learn how to make a self-driving electric car, and is talking to experts at carmakers and automotive suppliers, a senior auto industry source familiar with the discussions said on Saturday. The Cupertino, California-based maker of phones, computers and, soon, watches is exploring how to make an entire vehicle, not just designing automotive software or individual components, the auto industry source said. "They don't appear to want a lot of help from carmakers," said the source, who declined to be named. Apple is gathering advice on parts and production methods, focusing on electric and connected-car technologies, while studying the potential for automated driving, the source said. "Fully automated driving is an evolution. Carmakers will slowly build the market for autonomous cars by first releasing connected and partially automated cars," the auto industry source said. "Apple is interested in all the potential ways you can evolve the car; that includes autonomous driving." Whether it will build and release an electric car or a more evolved autonomous vehicle remains to be seen, the source said. But clearly Apple has sharply raised its ambitions in automotive technology.




Car technology has become a prime area of interest for Silicon Valley companies ranging from Google Inc (GOOGL.O), which has built a prototype self-driving car, to electric car-maker Tesla Motors Inc (TSLA.O). An Apple spokesman in London on Saturday declined to comment on "rumors or speculation". Trying to build an actual car would mark a dramatic shift for the maker of the iPhone and iPad. Apple often researches projects which are then discarded, but has so far mainly stuck to its core expertise in mobile and electronic devices.




The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday that Apple had set up a secret lab working on the creation of an Apple-branded electric car, citing people familiar with the matter. The lab was set up late last year, soon after Apple revealed its forthcoming smart watch and latest iPhones, the Financial Times said. The Journal said that the project, code-named "Titan", employed several hundred people working a few miles from Apple's headquarters in Cupertino. Apple executives met with contract manufacturers including Magna Steyr in Austria, a unit of Magna International (MG.TO), the Journal said. A Magna spokeswoman declined to comment.






Autonomous driving is likely to emerge progressively as driver assistance systems become more sophisticated. Already, carmakers such as Daimler (DAIGn.DE), BMW (BMWG.DE) and Volkswagen's (VOWG_p.DE) Audi (NSUG.DE) have revealed cars that can travel long distances without human intervention. Analysts at Exane BNP Paribas have said they see a $25 billion market for automated driving technology by 2020, with vehicle intelligence becoming “the key differentiating factor”. But the brokerage does not expect fully automated cars to hit the road until 2025 or 2030, in part due to regulatory hurdles.




Short of building entire cars, there is money to be made from the software to run a self-driving vehicle, as well as the services associated with autonomous driving, such as mapping, car-sharing and car recharging services, the auto source said. "It's a software game. It's all about autonomous driving," the industry source said.




(Additional reporting by Eric Auchard in Frankfurt; Editing by Noah Barkin/Hugh Lawson)






<c:docTitle>Apple studies self-driving car, auto industry source says</c:docTitle>


<c:docDate>2015-02-14 00:00:00</c:docDate>




The DocInfoMeta node presents processing information such as the submission date and time, and the identity of the submitter.


<rdf:Description c:contentType="text/xml" c:language="English" c:processingVer="AllMetadata" c:serverVersion="OneCalais_8.2-RELEASE:360" c:stagsVer="OneCalais_8.2-RELEASE-b6-2015-02-14_17:44:23" c:submissionDate="2015-03-10 14:14:50.994" rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/meta">


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Component Versions

The ComponentVersions node specifies the component versions used to process the input file. This information is primarily for the use of the Enterprise Intelligent Technology (EIT) group at Refinitiv, in case of a processing problem.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/ComponentVersions">


<rdf:type rdf:resource="http://s.opencalais.com/1/type/sys/ComponentVersions"/>


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<c:version>Deals Index:201503080600:201503080600</c:version>


<c:version>OA Index:201503080155:201503080155</c:version>












<c:version>People Index:201503071945:201503071945</c:version>








<c:version>OA Override:251:251</c:version>


<c:version>People Override:247:247</c:version>


















<c:version>SocialTags Index:201503080540:201503080540</c:version>













This tag indicates the input text language, specified by the x-calais-language request header, or identified by Intelligent Tagging.

Based on the input text language, Intelligent Tagging invokes the appropriate metadata extraction module.

In the following example, the indicated input text language is English.


<rdf:Description rdf:about="http://d.opencalais.com/dochash-1/7586b818-40af-3d55-ac16-bf3520cddfa6/lid/DefaultLangId">


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